Friday, February 17, 2012

Barielle Slate of Affairs

Hello loves! It's Friday! I hope everybody is excited about this weekend and I hope you have great plans. Even if you just want to take it easy and relax for a few days, that's still pretty awesome. That's what I'm planning to do! 

This post is a little out of the ordinary for me because I want to show you a polish that I didn't like. I usually choose my polishes carefully and see a lot of swatches before I pick them out, so I mostly end up loving everything I get. But I was really disappointed by this one because I just didn't receive what I expected. You can look at the swatches Michelle posted on ALU or the comparison she did with MAC Blue India. The resemblance with Blue India was the main reason I wanted this polish, but here's what I ended up getting. 

Now please tell me if this looks slate blue to you. I was surprised to see how purple this looks. If you put it next to a purple it looks blue and next to a blue it looks purple, so I guess you could call it a blurple. But slate, not so much. The tiny blue iridescent shimmer is still present, although not too evident on the nail. Many would call this color beautiful, but this is not what I've ordered. 

close-up of the shimmer
The polish is also pretty sheer. I did 2 coats and it ended up looking like it needed one more. I didn't want to waste anymore of it though, because I already knew I didn't like it and I was layering something over it anyway. It doesn't dry quick either. I knew I was just looking for reasons not to like it at this point because it really bothered me that it was nothing like Blue India. 

I really don't know what the deal with this polish is. Maybe the swatches online are not accurate (I highly doubt it though, because it's always described as slate blue-gray and it is nothing like that color) or maybe they changed the color in the newer bottles. I looked for other Barielle colors to see if maybe it was miss labeled, but I didn't find anything relevant. Either way, it has already found a new loving home.

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