Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Golden Rose 132

Hello loves! Another short and sweet post today to show you one of the manis I wore last week. I'm slowly catching up with all the stuff that I haven't had time to post. This one is another limited availability brand (mostly available in Eastern Europe), but I think Golden Rose polishes are also available in some parts of the US. I promise that after this one I'm gonna post some widely available polishes for you! So here's Golden Rose 132! 

indoors, artificial light
This is a gorgeous sky blue with a subtle shimmer in it. It looks a bit more vibrant in these pictures than in real life. The problem with these colors is that they are usually very sheer. I applied 3 coats of this and there's still visible nail line on some of my nails. It also dried with bubbles on two of my nails, so that's another drawback. 

a non-light box picture to better show the shimmer
I wore this for about 4 days with no chipping and only minor tip wear (the kind that is unnoticeable with such a light color). It was kinda surprising for a polish that was about 1 euro. So if you are patient enough to apply a lot of coats and lucky enough to not get any bubbles, this is a great color to have. Unfortunately I'm not patient at all and I tend to avoid colors that need more than 2 coats. I'm not sure I'm gonna wear this much. 

So what do you think about this polish? Are you willing to apply a lot of coats for the sake of a gorgeous color?

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