Sunday, September 11, 2011

Going nude with ELF

ELF Desert Haze is a 1 $ polish from their Essentials collection. I have been eyeing this one for a while now and I finally got it in my last ELF UK order (we actually pay 1,5 pounds for the product, which is almost two and a half times more than the US price). It’s my first ELF polish and I was really curious as to how they would behave. I’ve heard good things and bad things about them.


Well I guess you could call this a nude crème. Maybe a greige. I don’t know cause I’m not very good at describing colors. It’s certainly a sand type color. A color that I’ve always rated as boring and “work appropriate” (man I hate those). Surprisingly, after putting it on, I really liked it, especially on my freshly cut nubs. This is a very neutral look for me and I still feel kinda dull with it on my nails. It’s so plain that it screams nail art to me.


This is not very pigmented. It requires at least 3 coats for opacity. I did 3 but I probably should have done 4 in order to cover all the bald spots. It applies easily and dries pretty quick. The packaging though is definitely showing it’s cheapness. The brush, which was pretty big, had 2 longer bristles that created streaks on my nails while I was painting. I will probably trim them in the future, but was too lazy to do it at the time. The bottle cap is square, big and slippery and so not confortable for holding. It was the first time I’ve dropped a bottle cap since I’ve started to paint my nails. This makes me worry about the H&M polishes that I have and didn’t use yet, that also have a big square cap like the ELF one does.


For a polish worth one buck, I have to say this is pretty good quality. I wore it for a week and it only started chipping after about 6 days. Of course by that time I had applied some nail art (which I will show you soon) and one more coat of top coat. But all in all it is a pretty stress resistant polish.


Nice color, decent application and good wear time. I guess this is a winner in my book. I’m glad I bought it and took the chance.

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